Archive for February, 2013

Deadline approaching for NHS continuing healthcare claims

February 25th, 2013 | Partner News | 0 Comments

ARE you or a relative receiving NHS care services in a care home or your own home, for which you pay?

If so, you may be eligible for an assessment to determine whether you should receive NHS-funded continuing healthcare.

On 15 March 2012, the Department of Health announced the introduction of deadlines for individuals to request an assessment of eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare funding. The deadlines apply to previously un-assessed periods of care between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012. The deadline for assessment requests is 31 March 2013.

Posters advertising the opportunity to request an assessment are also on display in GP practices and local libraries.

NHS continuing healthcare is the name given to a package of care arranged and funded by the NHS for people outside of hospital who have ongoing healthcare needs. People receiving continuing healthcare can be living in any setting including their own home or a care home.

NHS continuing healthcare is free, unlike help from social services for which a financial charge may be made, depending on your income and savings.

In your own home, this means that the NHS will pay for healthcare (eg services provided by a community nurse or a specialist therapist) and personal care (eg help with bathing, dressing and laundry). In a care home, the NHS also pays for your care home fees, including board and accommodation.

For further information about how to notify us of a request for assessment of eligibility, please contact the NHS Continuing Healthcare Team at NHS Merseyside on , or write to: CHC Eligibility Review Team, NHS Merseyside, PO Box 23, Nutgrove Villa, Westmorland Road, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 6GA.

Your notification should be given within the deadlines listed above. Some cases may be accepted after the dates outlined above if there are exceptional circumstances.

SUPPORT to quit smoking

February 13th, 2013 | Partner News | 0 Comments

As February is National Heart Month, it’s worth bearing in mind that one way to look after your heart is to stop smoking cigarettes. And you can do this whatever month of the year.

Smoking is one of the major risk factors that cause coronary heart disease (CHD). Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide and, together with the nicotine being breathed, they both put a strain on the heart by making it work faster. Not only that, they increase the risk of developing blood clots.

Other chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the lining of your coronary arteries, which leads to them furring up. If you smoke, you increase your risk of developing heart disease by 24% (NHS Choices, 2010).

The good news is that SUPPORT – your local NHS Stop Smoking Service in Sefton – is here to help anyone wanting to quit cigarettes. The team has put on extra clinics to make it easier for people to get the free advice and support they need.

And, as it also Lent, why not think about giving up smoking for Easter?

When you decide to come along, here’s what you can expect:

  • Free support, tips and advice
  • Personal quit plan tailored to your needs
  • Stop smoking treatments to tackle the cravings, and other medications
  • Clinics at times, on days and in venues to suit you
  • Previous clients are always welcome back, the team is here for however long your smokefree journey takes

And, remember, studies have shown that you are up to four times more likely to successfully stop smoking with the support of your local NHS Stop Smoking Service than by doing it alone.

To find out where your nearest stop smoking clinic is, contact Healthy Sefton on . Lines are open from 8am to 8pm every day, including Bank Holidays. Calls are charged at local call rates, or can be part of inclusive phone packages.

Healthwatch Sefton Chairperson

February 12th, 2013 | Partner News | 0 Comments

Are you someone with a passion for making things better? Do you think you could make a positive contribution to how health and social care services are delivered in the Borough of Sefton?

Healthwatch Sefton is a new independent not for profit organisation, scheduled for launch on 1st  April 1 2013, which aims to represent the views of local people including those who use health and care services so they can help shape how services are delivered. As part of the new organisation, a voluntary chairperson is needed to steer Healthwatch Sefton forward.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Chair of The Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “We are looking for a dedicated person who believes they have the skills and commitment to become the Chairperson of the Healthwatch Sefton Board.

“We are looking to appoint a person who can drive the new organisation forward. He or she will play a significant role in developing the strategy, direction, business objectives and customer focus of Healthwatch Sefton, and they will maintain strong working relationships with Sefton Council,
NHS, The Voluntary Sector and the Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board.”

Healthwatch Sefton will be responsible for gathering views and understanding the experiences of people who use local services and promoting and supporting the involvement of people in the commissioning and provision of local care services and how they are scrutinised.

The organisation will have the powers to recommend investigations or special reviews of services via Healthwatch England or directly to the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Candidates will be interviewed by a panel comprising of representatives from Sefton Council for Voluntary Services, Sefton Council and NHS representatives. Training and support will be provided for the successful candidates.

An application pack can be downloaded from the Sefton Council website or Sefton LINk website.

For an informal chat about the role please ring Diane Blair (Sefton LINk Manager) on EXT 216

The closing date for applications is: Friday 22nd February 2013.