How to give feedback or complain

This page tells you how to make a compliment, comment or complaint about any of the services we commission. You will find contact details under the following headings by scrolling down the page Scroll down the page for contact details and information under the following headings:

  • How to make a compliment or comment
  • How to make a complaint
  • Who can make a complaint?
  • Is there a time limit?
  • How will my complaint be handled?


How to make a compliment or comment

If you were pleased with your care and treatment, or have suggestions about how it could have been better, why not tell us about it?  

This will help us to develop good practice and improve the quality of care. You can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Team in the following ways:

By telephone –

By post – PALS, CMCSU, 3rd floor, Bevan House, 65 Stephenson Way, Liverpool, L13 1HN


How to make a complaint

There may be times when you are not happy with your care and treatment. A first step could be to speak to the healthcare professional involved, so they can try to put things right.

Our aim is to sort out any problems as quickly and professionally as possible. In line with NHS policy there will be no detriment to your treatment and you will not be penalised in any way because you have made a complaint. Your complaint will not be placed on any part of your medical records. Use the details below to contact us:

By telephone – freephone

By email –

By post – Complaints, CMCSU, 3rd floor, Bevan House, 65 Stephenson Way, Liverpool, L13 1HN


Who can make a complaint?

A complaint can be made by a patient or a person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of an NHS organisation or primary care practitioner. A complaint can also be made by someone acting on behalf of the patient or person, with their consent.


Is there a time limit?

You should make a complaint within 12 months of the event(s) concerned or within 12 months of becoming aware that you have something to complain about. However, it is much easier to deal with your complaint if it is made as soon as possible after the event.


How will my complaint be handled?

The first stage of the Complaints Procedure is called Local Resolution. Your complaint should be made in the first instance to the NHS organisation providing the service alternatively you can make your complaint to the service commissioner. 

You can raise your complaint immediately by speaking to the member of staff (eg – doctor, nurse, or PALS). It may be that your concerns can be resolved without making a formal complaint.

However if you do wish to pursue a complaint you can do this in writing, verbally, face to face or by email to the, NHS organisation concerned or commissioner of the service.

If you wish to complain directly to the CCG about a service they commission, they will liaise with the provider of the service and will ensure that your complaint is investigated and a response is received in a timely manner. If you choose to make your complaint verbally a member of the complaints team will put this in writing for you. You will be given the opportunity to discuss your concerns with a member of the Complaints Team and say what you would like as an outcome.

The timescale for the response will be agreed with you and you will receive a written reply to confirm the outcome of the investigation into your complaint.

Following an investigation into your complaint you will be sent a formal response from our Chief Officer, including an explanation of our consideration of your complaint, an honest explanation, conclusions that we have reached in respect of your complaint, any remedial action that is considered to be appropriate and confirmation that the action has been taken or that it will be actioned.