Showcasing progress at Big Chat
October 23rd, 2013 | Events | 0 Comments
NHS Southport and Formby CCGs is joining forces with Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board for its next Big Chat event to talk about the work they have been doing together towards improving health and wellbeing in the borough.
It is also an opportunity for people attending the two Big Chat to hear how their views are helping to shape new services and programmes. Over the past year people have been giving their thoughts about health and social care at a series of joint public events. This feedback was used to devise the Sefton Health and Wellbeing Strategy – the overarching, borough wide plan that sets out the shared priorities of partners involved in health and social care.
Cllr Ian Moncur, chair of Sefton’s Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “It’s been around six months since we launched the Sefton Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and the Big Chat is a chance to inform people about the difference it is making to the way we work together for better health and social care. So I’d encourage as many people as possible to come along to the Big Chat and find out first hand.”
Some examples of services and programmes which are being developed following the launch of the Health and Wellbeing strategy will be showcased at the Big Chat, allowing people to comment on the progress so far.
Alongside this, people will be invited to discuss the CCG’s proposed plans for buying or ‘commissioning’ health services next year – which have also been shaped by feedback from earlier Big Chats and the Sefton Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Dr Niall Leonard, chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “We want to share our proposals as early as possible, so people can hear our thinking around improving services based on all the evidence and feedback we have gained over the past year. We are also keen to know what people think, and there will be plenty of opportunities at the event to give views.”
The Big Chat takes place on 29 October from 1pm until 4.30pm at Family Life Centre, Ash St, Southport, PR8 6JH.
Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis, and to register please email or telephone .