Archive for August, 2014

Care data event

August 28th, 2014 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

Healthwatch Sefton and NHS England are holding two events in September to provide Sefton residents with the opportunity to find out more about the programme.

Janet King, Regional Head of Intelligence, NHS England North, will be attending to provide Sefton residents with a full overview.

Both events will take place on Wednesday 17th September 2014 at the following venues and times:

  • 10.30am-12.00 noon – Sing Plus, 53 Cambridge Road, Seaforth, Liverpool, L21 1EX
  • 2.00pm-3.30pm – The Atkinson, Lord Street, Southport, PR8 1DB

Everyone is welcome to come along. If you would like to attend please call freephone or ext 240, text or email

Have your say on pharmacy services

August 22nd, 2014 | Partner News | 0 Comments

pharmacy 1What do you think about your local pharmacy and the services it offers – could it be doing more, is it open at the right times and are the staff helpful?

Sefton Council wants to hear what local residents think about the services currently being offered at pharmacies across the borough.

The council is inviting as many people as possible to complete a quick and anonymous questionnaire and the results will be used to help shape future pharmacy services.

Simply visit the Sefton Council website by Friday 5 September.

You can request a paper copy or easy to read version by calling .


People with learning disabilities talk about health

August 14th, 2014 | News, Partner News | 0 Comments

Social care PhotographyA new report focuses on the health experiences of Sefton residents with learning disabilities.

Last year the CCG funded a project with local organisation, People First. This trained people with learning disabilities to become ‘health champions’ about a range of topics to promote good health and wellbeing.

The champions then led nine ‘Health First’ roadshows where they encouraged others to get healthy. Healthwatch Sefton went along to ask those with learning disabilities what their experience of current health services was like, with some interesting results.

Whilst a quarter of those surveyed reported positive experiences, just under said there needed to be improvements.

They also suggested some changes for GP practices, dentists and hospitals. This included longer appointments, training for health staff, ensuring ‘easy read’ leaflets are available and better wheelchair access to buildings.

The report is being shared with local health services for them to consider. The CCG is organising training for GP practice staff as a result of the comments and it will also be considering some of the other suggestions made by local people with learning disabilities.

If you would like a copy of the report call Healthwatch Sefton on (extension 240) or download it from

Music and song from Alzheimer’s Society

August 14th, 2014 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

singTwo new activity groups are beginning in September from the Alzheimer’s Society. They are for anyone with a dementia diagnosis living at home.

– Music and Wellbeing – every 1st and 3rd Friday morning at the Salvation Army, Shakespeare St, Southport.

These are music therapy sessions where you can play percussion instruments, create rhythms, sing and socialise. You don’t need to be a music expert, the aim is to come along and enjoy yourself.

– Singing for the Brain – every 2nd and 4th Friday morning at the Salvation Army, Shakespeare St, Southport.

Due to the popularity of the Monday Singing group the Alzheimer’s Society has added extra sessions on Friday mornings. You don’t have to be an expert singer, just a love for music. Sessions are created specifically for people living with dementia so that they get the maximum benefit and enjoyment.

Both groups are free with a small charge for refreshments. Carers are encouraged to come along too as the Society does not provide any one to one support or personal care.

Booking is essential. If you would like to attend either of these groups or need more information, please call the office on .