How you can get involved

There are lots of ways for you to get involved in our work or to find out more about your local health services:

GP practice patient groups
Many of our member GP practices have patient groups. These groups enable people to input into improving services at their local practice, as well as our wider CCG work.  Ask your surgery if it has a patient group and how you can join.

Governing Body meetings
We hold bi-monthly meetings in public, so you can hear us discussing our work and making decisions about local health services. There is also a chance to ask your questions before the meeting begins. Visit the About Us section to find dates for Governing Body meetings.

Big Chat events
We hold these public events regularly to update you about our work and ask for your views. We advertise the dates in the news section, so keep an eye out for forthcoming events. We also hold ‘Mini Chats’, which focus on particular health topics or services.  For more information email

You can see reports from all previous Big Chat events by clicking on the links below:

Big Chat 1 – summer 2012
Big Chat 2 – 24 July 2013
Big Chat 3 – 29 October 2013
Big Chat 4  – 19 November 2014