Archive for March, 2014

Final call for views on NHS treatment policy

March 28th, 2014 | News | 0 Comments

There is still time for Sefton residents to have their say about the provision of certain treatments and services by their local NHS.

NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are calling for views about a joint Cheshire and Merseyside wide policy, which sets out eligibility for a range of services, by 7 April 2014.

It comes after a review of the existing policy, covering around 90 procedures that are known to have a medical benefit only in very specific situations, or for a small group of people.

The policy has been updated to reflect the latest evidence about the effectiveness of different treatments. It also includes new services and procedures introduced since the original policy was written.

Dr Niall Leonard, Chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “There have been a number of advances in science since the original policy was devised and we want to ensure that the local NHS takes account of the latest medical innovations in drugs, treatments and technology.

Dr Clive Shaw, Chair of NHS South Sefton CCG, added: “It’s important for us to understand the views of local residents when we are considering how best to spend Sefton’s share of NHS funds. Along with clinical evidence, the views we gain from the public will inform how we prioritise our spending to ensure we achieve the most benefit for the greatest number of patients.”

Over the past few months all 12 CCGs across Cheshire and Merseyside have been seeking views on the draft policy and have been encouraging thousands of people across the area to have their say.

Comments from the public and health professionals will be used by CCGs to help decide whether to adopt the document. More information, including a survey, can be accessed online at

An audio version of all the Commissioning Policy Review information is now also available.

Printed versions and alternative formats are available by calling .

Final meeting of current Governing Body

March 24th, 2014 | Events | 0 Comments

NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG’s) current Governing Body will meet in public for the last time at the end of March and local residents are invited to come along.

The Governing Body is made up of a small number of appointed roles – such as the organisation’s two Lay Representatives and Accountable Officer – along with elected representatives from the 20 member GP practices, which make up the CCG. 

Elections are currently taking place amongst member practices and the results are expected at the end of March, signalling a new Governing Body from 1 April 2014. It means that the last meeting of the current Governing Body will take place on Wednesday 26 March.

Chair, Dr Niall Leonard, said: “We have had a positive and productive first 12 months as a CCG and we are sure to begin our second year with some new faces on the Governing Body.

“There has been great interest in the elections, with nominations from a wide group of candidates, as well as some existing members including myself. It is greatly heartening and reflects the commitment of our member GP practices in wanting to play a part in the success of the organisation and, more importantly, improving the quality of health services for our local residents.”

NHS Southport and Formby CCG holds bi-monthly Governing Body meetings in public. The Governing Body is made up of doctors, nurses, practice staff and other health professionals.

From 12.30pm, people attending can meet members of the Governing Body and ask questions prior to the start of the formal meeting at 1pm on:

  • Wednesday 26 March – Family Life Centre, Ash Street, Southport

Anyone who would like to come along is asked to call to confirm their attendance.

Mini Chats focus debate about long term health plans

March 10th, 2014 | Events | 0 Comments

Big Chat SFCCGNHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is inviting local residents to have a ‘Mini Chat’ and help shape the CCG’s five year strategy for health services.

Mini Chats are new and offer people a different way to get involved in their local NHS. The events complement the CCG’s regular Big Chats, which give people an update about the CCG’s current work. Mini Chats are more focused events, where local residents are invited to give their views about specific health topics.

The first Mini Chat took place in February and around 30 people attended. The next one on Tuesday 18 March will follow the same format, so anyone who was unable to come along to last month’s Mini Chat has a second chance to join the debate.

Dr Niall Leonard, Chair of NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “We are shaping our strategy based on a wide range of information, data and medical evidence about health and health services in Southport and Formby, and this includes the views of local people.
“Our earlier Big Chats and other public events have already given us a wide range of views from people, and now at our Mini Chats we are asking for help to finalise our more detailed plans for future health services.”

So, people attending the first series of Mini Chats will hear a brief overview of the CCG’s five year strategy, before choosing to hear more about and comment on the topics that interest them the most.

There are eight topics that the CCG’s strategy focuses on – cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, diabetes, cancer, mental health, primary care, children and support for end of life patients. Services for unplanned, or urgent care, will also be considered in each of these eight areas.

The next Mini Chat takes place on Tuesday 18 March 2014 at ‘The Atkinson’ gallery on Lord Street, Southport. Registration is from 6pm and the event will run from 6.30pm – 8.30pm.

If you would like to attend, please email Debbie Williams to book your place or call Cathy Loughlin on .