Archive for the ‘Partner News’ Category

Make time to talk this winter

December 23rd, 2015 | News, Partner News | 0 Comments

Give your local talking therapy service a call this winter and take a load off your mind.

The run up to Christmas can be a stressful and often lonely time of year. Speak to your local, friendly NHS service for advice and support about how to handle the festive blues. Access Sefton provides help for people with anxiety, depression and stress, as well as other common mental health conditions such as Obsessional Compulsive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Anyone over the age of 16 living in Sefton can tap into this useful local service, provided in partnership by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) and Insight Healthcare.

If you need to speak to someone, getting access to the service is easy – ask your GP or self-refer online at You can also pick up the phone and call to arrange an appointment.

We offer a wide range of talking therapy treatments from a number of convenient locations across the borough of Sefton, as well as online or over the phone.

For more information about CWP please visit

Hospitals lift restrictions on visiting hours

December 16th, 2015 | Partner News | 0 Comments

Friends and family will be able to spend much longer with patients at Southport and Ormskirk hospitals from 18th December 2015.

Wards will open for visiting at midday and stay open until 8.30pm, seven days a week.

The decision by Simon Featherstone, Director of Nursing and Quality, follows a successful trial at Southport hospital earlier this year.

“The support and company of friends and family is an important part of any patient’s recovery but traditional visiting times don’t always fit round people’s working lives and personal commitments,” said Simon.

“We also know some visitors want to play a more active role in the care of the patient they’re visiting, such as helping at mealtimes and providing a familiar voice in unfamiliar surroundings, so I hope this more flexible approach will help them.”

He added: “To make this work, we also need visitors to help us too. We ask that there should be only two visitors per bed and, from time to time, we may ask visitors to leave the bedside during personal care for patients or consultant ward rounds.”

Donate toys to children this Christmas

December 2nd, 2015 | Partner News | 0 Comments

Sefton’s Mayor’s Christmas Toy Appeal is seeking donations of toys to make sure that children who really need them, have gifts to open on Christmas Day.

You can donate in both Bootle and Southport Town Halls, local leisure centres and Crosby and Formby libraries.

To find out more, call .

Sefton’s offer for disabled children

December 2nd, 2015 | Partner News | 0 Comments

If children and young people age 0-25yrs have special educational needs and / or a disability (SEND), Sefton’s Local Offer website will provide them, their families and professionals with accessible information about services and support available locally.

The Local Offer helps you to understand what services you can expect from a range of local agencies, including your statutory entitlements, eligibility and referral criteria. The Local Offer also makes clear what is available from a wide range of services, including:

  • Early years settings
  • Schools (including academies and free schools) and colleges
  • Sport and recreation
  • Health services
  • Social care
  • Employment, further education and volunteering

For all enquiries on the Local Offer, or to provide feedback, contact Sefton’s Information, Advice and Support Service on or by .

Hospitals hold baby and child Christmas remembrance service

November 24th, 2015 | Partner News | 0 Comments

Two hospitals will be offering support to families remembering lost loved ones in the weeks before Christmas.

The Baby and Child Remembrance Service will be held at Ormskirk hospital and led by the Trust chaplain, the Rev Martin Abrams.

“The run up to Christmas can be a very exciting and special time, but it can also heighten a sense of loss, grief and isolation,” said Martin. “We hope the short, informal service will be supportive to anyone who has suffered a child or baby loss.

“The Salvation Army band will join us and we will be writing the names of loved ones on baubles to hang from our Christmas tree.”

The event will start with refreshments in the main Ormskirk hospital entrance at 6.30pm on Tuesday 1st December before moving to one of the hospital gardens for the service.

During December, Trees of Remembrance will also be available in the prayer and quiet rooms at both Southport and Ormskirk hospitals.

Visitors will be welcome to write the name or names of loved ones on a decoration and hang it from the tree.

Flu jab for pregnant women

November 11th, 2015 | Partner News | 0 Comments

Pregnant women across the borough are being urged to make sure they get the flu jab this winter.

The flu vaccination is one of the most effective ways to reduce harm from flu as it
reduces risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and even death among those who are most at risk – including expectant mothers.

If you are pregnant, you are eligible for the flu vaccination it is free of charge – it’s free because mothers need it.

The flu vaccine reduces the risk of complications and potential harmful consequences for both the mother and baby if you catch the flu such as premature birth.

Pregnancy naturally weakens the body’s immune system and as a result mothers may be less able to fight off infections, increasing the risk of becoming seriously ill as a result of flu.
Local resident, Nicole Cowan, said: “This is my second pregnancy and I also had the flu jab when I was expecting my first baby. I think it’s really important to be vaccinated as it protects both me and my baby and it’s great that the NHS is offering the jab for free to pregnant women like me.”

The flu vaccine is safe during any stage of pregnancy; it does not carry any risks for you or your baby.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing, said: ““Flu is a highly contagious illness that spreads rapidly. It can cause serious complications for at risk groups, such as expectant mothers and people with long term health conditions.

“Despite us having a relatively mild autumn so far, the flu jab is the last thing on people’s minds, especially expectant mums.

“However, for many people flu is an unpleasant illness but for pregnant women it is extremely dangerous and can be lethal.

“My advice for anyone eligible for the free flu vaccination is to get it now before flu starts to circulate in the Sefton community.”

Free flu vaccinations are being offered to all pregnant women, all children aged 2 to 4, residents of all ages with a long term health condition and everyone aged 65 and over. Most people who are eligible can get vaccinated at their local GP practice.

Dr Wendy Hewitt, clinical lead for children and maternity, NHS South Sefton CCG and NHS Southport and Formby CCG, added: “You can have the flu vaccine at any point in your pregnancy and not only is it safe for you and your baby, it’ll reduce your chances of becoming seriously ill as a result of flu from things like pneumonia, premature birth or even miscarriage.

“The added advantage is that your baby will continue to be protected from flu for the first few months of their life. Talk to your GP or midwife if you have any questions and they’ll be happy to help.”

NHS and Macmillan team up for people affected by cancer

November 6th, 2015 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

The NHS is joining forces with Macmillan Cancer Information at a free health and wellbeing clinic in Southport on Thursday 12th November.

The event is organised by Macmillan Information and Support Centre in partnership with Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

The event at Southport Theatre and Convention Centre is an opportunity to find out how to access local support, information and advice to help patients and their families adjust to life with and beyond cancer. It will run from 1pm to 3.30pm.

Jackie Brunton, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust’s lead cancer nurse, said: “We’re delighted to join forces again with Macmillan, building on the success of previous health and well-being clinics. We would also be delighted to welcome friends and family to come along as we understand how a cancer diagnosis affects not just the person with cancer.”

Visitors will have the opportunity to find out what local support, information and advice is available to them, their families, carers and friends to adjust to life with and beyond cancer. Clinical nurse specialists will also be on hand. There will also be:

  • Healthy food demonstrations
  • Hand massages from Sefton OPERA (Older Persons Enabling Resource and Action)
  • A benefits advisor
  • Representatives from local cancer support groups
  • A performance by the Living Well Centre/Macmillan Singing Group
  • Expert-led sessions around fitness, wellbeing and Macmillan’s work

Helen Jones, Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre Manager, said: “We understand how patients can often feel they lose the safety net of support they receive while attending the hospital regularly for treatment. These events are designed to help people to return to everyday activities and make the most of the good things in their life. If you have any questions, we are here to help.”

Places are free but limited, booking is essential. For information or to book a place contact Macmillan Information & Support Centre on /7 or email .

Sefton council is offering subsidised parking at 80p per car.

Tea, biscuits and a chat about memory

October 14th, 2015 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

Alzheimer’s Society Sefton is inviting people living with dementia, their family, and their carers to their ‘pop up’ memory cafe at the Salvation Army in Southport on the 15 October.

This is a chance to meet up in an informal setting and have a chance to speak about personal experiences of dementia and memory loss while hearing about the experiences of others in a similar situation.

Alzheimer’s Society staff will be available to give support and there will be lots of information for anyone worried about their memory or to find out what services are available locally.

If you know of anyone who would benefit from this please share this leaflet them. There is no need for people to book, just come along on the day.

Fitness classes for new mums

October 14th, 2015 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

In an effort to support new mothers and help them make small steps in getting back into fitness, Active Sefton has set up exercise classes for new mums called ‘Active Buggies’.

The sessions are designed to provide a gentle re-introduction to fitness, all exercises involve buggies, which gives mums the opportunity to get fit without the need for childcare. They are also a great session to meet other mums & socialise!

Prices start from £10 for six sessions, and the first session is free!

If you, or someone you know might be interested, Active Buggies has a FaceBook page with much more information and if you have any questions you can call Jessica-Meg on /. You can also view this informative leaflet here.

Healthwatch Sefton ‘Care to Share’ event

October 8th, 2015 | Events, Partner News | 0 Comments

Healthwatch Sefton invites you to attend its ‘Care to Share’ event.

You will be able to learn more about our work, hear from special guest speakers, including our national body, Healthwatch England, have the opportunity to have your questions answered by NHS and social care providers and enjoy a free complementary breakfast or supper.

Special guests who have already confirmed include: Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust, Mersey Care NHS Trust, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, with more to be confirmed.

  • Bootle Town Hall – Tuesday 20th October 2015 5-7pm
  • Best Western Royal Clifton Hotel – Wednesday 21st October 2015 10-12:00

View the flyer for more information and booking details.