Community services

This is the name for a wide range of services that includes community matrons, district nurses, footcare and blood testing.

What we are doing

We are currently reviewing how community services are managed and run, so that they better meet the health needs of our residents and the vision that we have set out for all future healthcare in our 5 year strategy.

Our vision for future healthcare

Our vision for community centred health and care has been shaped by what our local partners and residents have also told us and our Shaping Sefton programme is helping us to achieve this.

In the future we want to commission community services that are better joined up with other health and social care providers, so they can provide more seamless and appropriate care for our residents.

You can read more about our vision in the following documents:

5 year strategy

Shaping Sefton

Tell us what you think

We would like to hear from more of our residents about their views and experiences of community services – what works well and what could be improved. Your views are an important part of our community services review.

Please take a few minutes to complete the following short survey.

Market engagement event

On 18 November 2015 we held a ‘market engagement event’. We invited healthcare providers, interested in delivering these services, to come and hear more about our plans for a new contract beginning on 1 April 2017.

Here is a range of information from the day.


Procurement process

Southport and Formby profile

Key messages

Clinical model


QAs from event

Delegate list