Archive for March, 2013

DIY’ers warned to stay safe this Easter

March 26th, 2013 | News | 0 Comments

Health bosses are warning enthusiastic DIYers to take care over the Easter break and choose the right health service if they require advice or treatment. 

According to Merseyside health professionals, A&E departments see a rise in patients seeking emergency treatment during bank holidays, school breaks and over the Easter weekend. 

As people strive to make the most of their time off work by tackling a range of projects around the house or garden, experts are asking aspiring painters, builders and carpenters to be prepared before they open up the toolbox. 

The emergency services are under increasing pressure with 177,000 more people going to A&E in the last two years.  One out of every four people who go to A&E could have either self-treated for minor illnesses and injuries or been treated by other local services. 

The NHS has put together a guide to help you access the right advice and treatment over the holiday period as part of a campaign to encourage people to use health services sensibly.  

Dr John Hussey, Medical Director for the Local Area Team (NHS National Commissioning Board) said: “No matter what you’re planning to do, you should make sure you take safety precautions especially when you’re working with tools or potentially hazardous materials.  

“We are encouraging people to ensure they keep a well stocked first aid box at home, visit their pharmacist for health advice and use their GP Out of Hours Service or Minor Injuries Unit  for any minor cuts or scrapes, especially around the Easter holiday time.

 “It is important to remember how crucial it is to only use emergency services for immediately life threatening health problems to ensure they are kept free for those who really need them.

 “We often see cases of major accidents not being dealt with as quickly as they should be due to hospital and ambulance staff having their time taken up with minor issues.”

 Make sure you examine your options and know about the flexible range of health services available in your area.

Alternative NHS services available to Merseyside residents:

GP out-of-hours service – For times when you need to see a doctor when your GP surgery is closed. GP out-of-hours services are available on the usual surgery number and are staffed by local doctors and nurses who can offer advice or, if necessary, treatment at home or in a local health centre

Walk-in centres Managed by doctors and nurses who are available to deal with minor illnesses and injuries, with no appointment necessary. Most are also open out of office hours, 365 days a year. Litherland walk-in centre is open 8am-8pm every day including Bank Holidays. 

Pharmacies – Qualified to offer ‘on the spot’ advice on a wide range of minor health issues and medication, for common health problems such as coughs, colds and other common illnesses. For those that wish to speak to a pharmacist in private, many have a consultation rooms away from customers to discuss health queries. See a list of opening times for your nearest pharmacy over the Easter holidays.