Management team

Senior operational team

SFCCG is supported by a small operational team, which brings specialist commissioning skills and expertise to the Group. We share the following roles with NHS South Sefton CCG (SSCCG) to ensure we work as efficiently and effectively as possible:

Chief Officer – Fiona Taylor
Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Chief Officer – Martin McDowell
Chief Strategy and Outcomes Officer – Karl McCluskey
Chief Redesign and Commissioning Officer – Jan Leonard
Chief Nurse and Quality Officer– Debbie Fagan
Chief Corporate Delivery and Integration Officer – Tracy Jeffes
Head of Primary Care and Contracting – Malcolm Cunningham
Deputy Chief Nurse / Head of Quality and Safety – Brendan Prescott
Head of Medicines Management – Susanne Lynch
Business Manager – Bronagh Slater

Dedicated support for SFCCG

SFCCG is split into four locality areas. It means that GP practices can focus their work on the health issues that really affect the patients living in the areas they cover. The people giving dedicated support to SFCCG are:

Head of SFCCG Development – Billie Dodd
Ainsdale and Birkdale Locality Lead – Jane Uglow / Melanie Wright
Central Locality Lead –Sharon Forrester
Formby Locality Lead – Moira McGuinness
North Locality Lead – Sarah McGrath