Archive for November, 2013

Hear about your health services

November 21st, 2013 | Events | 0 Comments

Local residents are invited to find out more about their local NHS at the Governing Body meeting of NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS SSCCG).  

NHS SFCCG holds its Governing Body meetings in public, so people can hear about its work and listen to the body making decisions about local health services on behalf of its member GP practices.

The CCG’s Governing Body is made up of doctors, nurses, practice staff and other health professionals. There is a chance to meet members and ask questions at 1pm, prior to the start of the formal meeting at 1.30pm on Wednesday 27 November – Family Life Centre, Ash Street, Southport

Anyone who would like to come along is asked to call to confirm their attendance.

Take control during self care week

November 18th, 2013 | News | 0 Comments

Self care weekPeople in Southport and Formby are being urged to take control of their health during self care week –  18 – 24 November – and find out about the simple things they can do to stay fit and well.  

NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS SFCCG) is supporting the national campaign, which this year is encouraging individuals and carers to take control of their health and wellbeing for life by eating properly, taking regular exercise and understanding how to manage common, everyday illnesses.   

Dr Niall Leonard, Chair of NHS SFCCG, said: “The advice couldn’t be simpler – eat well, keep active, quit smoking and drink sensibly – but sometimes it’s easy to forget the difference this can make to our overall wellbeing. For carers, it’s equally important to think about keeping themselves well and not just the people they look after.”  

Self care is also about recognising when to self care and when to seek advice, and to know where that advice should come from, which is particularly important during the winter months when coughs and colds are on the increase.  

Niall added: “Many people visit their doctor at this time of the year with colds and sniffles when they could treat themselves at home just as effectively with a well stocked medicine cabinet.  

“It is also worth remembering that your local pharmacist can also give you expert advice about how to treat a wide range of common illnesses and ailments just by popping into your nearest chemist – you don’t need to buy anything, they’re happy to give advice.  

“For those with long term health problems, like diabetes and breathing illnesses it’s often about the things people can do to prevent them from worsening  over winter, like having a flu jab, making sure they are up to date with their prescriptions, or acting quickly to get help if their conditions start to worsen.  

“I’d also encourage anyone who is a carer to have a flu jab too. They should also make sure their GP knows they are a carer. Ask for it to be added to their practice records along with the person they care for, as well as making sure their contact details are up to date, so we know who to call if they become ill.”    

You can find lots of useful advice about National Self Care Week by visiting

Be wise to antibiotics

November 18th, 2013 | News | 0 Comments

antibioticsOn European Antibiotics Awareness Day, NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS SFCCG) is reminding people that antibiotics won’t help them recover from mild winter illnesses like colds, sniffles and sore throats, and may make them resistant to these drugs, which won’t help their health in the longer term. 

Antibiotics remain one of our most important medicines for fighting bacterial infection. However, when they are overused bacteria can adapt and find ways to survive the effects of an antibiotic – becoming ‘antibiotic resistant’, so that the antibiotic no longer works. This makes treating serious infections like MRSA and C.Difficle much harder, where the consequences for patients are far worse than enduring the symptoms of a cold.    

Dr Hilal Mulla, NHS SFCCG’s clinical lead for medicines, said: “The more you use an antibiotic, the more bacteria become resistant to it. It is important we use antibiotics in the right way, like all medicines, to make sure people are prescribed the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time, and for the right length of time.”  

Over the past few years, Sefton has achieved a significant reduction in the prescribing of high risk antibiotics, through better, more appropriate prescribing of these drugs. Sefton has gone from being amongst the highest prescribers of high risk antibiotics in 2008 to now being one of the lowest in the North West. Good prescribing of these medicines not only ensures that patients get the best treatment for their illnesses, but also helps antibiotics to remain as effective as possible, for as long as possible.  

Hilal said: “Many antibiotics are prescribed and used for mild infections when they don’t need to be. All colds and most coughs, sinusitis, earache and sore throats often get better without antibiotics.” 

NHS SFCCG is continuing to work hard to reduce ‘antibiotic resistance’ by working closely with health professionals around more appropriate prescribing of these drugs. 

Hilal added: “So, if your doctor does not prescribe you antibiotics, it means that they won’t be effective in treating your illness. However, if you are prescribed antibiotics make sure you take them as directed to ensure they are as effective as possible.”  

This means you should:  

  • Complete the full course of antibiotics prescribed to you
  • Don’t skip a dose of antibiotics
  • Make sure you take your tablets at regular intervals
  • Don’t save some for later

 For more information about European Antibiotics Awareness Day on 18 November visit