Our 5 year strategy

We have developed our 5 year strategy jointly with NHS South Sefton CCG, so we can work across a wider area when we need to but also concentrate on our very local priorities.

This joint approach also makes it easier for us to work with partners like Sefton Council and better join up or ‘integrate’ our plans and services whenever we can, to work more efficiently in this challenging time. Importantly, it means we have the potential to achieve more for local residents than we could do individually, as there is greater strength in working together.

Our joint vision is to:

“To create a sustainable healthy community based on health needs, with partners; focused on delivering high quality and integrated care services to all, to improve the health and wellbeing of our population.”

A great deal of work went into the design of our 5 year strategy to ensure it focuses on improving those aspects of healthcare that will make the most difference to the health and wellbeing of our local residents.

It has been shaped by the Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment, often known as a JSNA and our Sefton Strategy for Health and Wellbeing, so it is aligned to the plans of our partners from Sefton Council and responds to what we know is needed most in south Sefton.

We also spoke with local residents to gain their views and we refined our 5 year strategy as a result of what we were told.

Priorities and programmes

We have identified three main strategic priority areas as the focus for all of our work:

  • Care for our older and vulnerable residents
  • Unplanned care
  • Primary care

To make improvements across all of these areas, we believe we need to organise many services around our GP practice localities. We have devised a number of transformational and underpinning health programmes to support this way of working.

Blueprint for tansforming services

Our blueprint sets out how we intend to move our 5 year strategy into operation. This document shows how we are beginning to focus and refine our work to ensure it addresses the most important health issues that affect our local residents.

Shaping Sefton

This programme will help us to deliver our strategies and blueprints, working with the King’s Fund and Sefton’s Health and Wellbeing Board.