Equality and diversity

Promoting equality is at the heart of our values, ensuring that we commission services fairly and that no community or group is left behind in the improvements that will be made to health outcomes across the area.

We will continue to work internally, and in partnership with our service providers, community and voluntary sector and other key organisations to ensure that we advance equality of opportunity and meet our exacting requirements of the Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 requires us to meet our Public Sector Equality Duty across a range of protected groups including age, gender, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion/belief, gender identity, marital/civil partnership status and pregnancy/maternity status.


Equality objectives

We are required to prepare and publish Equality Objectives to meet our Specific Duty as outlined in the Equality Act 2010. Our plan is specific and measurable and we will update the plan on an annual basis.

We understand that sometimes in our lives we may face barriers in relation to accessing health services or experience different outcomes. We want to make big differences to health outcomes across our diverse communities and our Equality Objectives will support us to do this.

Our Equality Objectives are:

  • To make fair and transparent commissioning decisions
  • To improve access and outcomes for patients and communities who experience disadvantage
  • To improve the equality performance of our providers through robust procurement and monitoring practice
  • To empower and engage our workforce

To help us set our Equality Objectives we used NHS Equality Delivery Systems self-assessment.  You can read our Equality Objective Report and Plan and view our EDS grading score below:

Our Equality Objectives Report

Equality and Human Rights Commission


Equality Information

